Minimal object oriented in functional programming with a bunch of lines

When I skimmed through the questions on Quora, there are plenty of questions about the comparison of object-oriented programming and functional programming. See resources section for details. And a lot of programmers with different background seems do not understand that object-oriented and higher-order function are closely related.

This post is just an attempt to show the internal relation of object-oriented and functional programming. Though a step by step code abstraction, how can we implement the core concepts in OO within 50 lines of code in a functional languages(Racket here).

Object-oriented programming 101

Since the population of object-oriented programmings of the last decade, I think most programmer will more or less know some OO concepts. Here I just list some basic concept of OO for a quick review.

In an purely OO languages(like Ruby and Smalltalk), everything is in terms as follow:

So the definitions of classes are just like contracts of the different categories of objects, when the system is running, there are only objects, no classes at all. We can send objects messages, and the objects may change its internal states thought method calls.

Functional programming 101

The definitions of functional programming vary from first class function (even C++11) to purely functional languages like Haskell.

Since this is not a post talking about functional programming, we only use the less-strick version, which means:

This post will show how can one only use higher-order functions and mutalbe state to implement the core concept of OO in Scheme/Racket.

Step by step examples to implement OO concepts

OO with explict send interface

The first step is to use higher order functions as methods in an object and store the variables of object in a mutable association lists as the following code.

#lang racket

(struct object (vars methods))

(define (assoc-m name xs)
  (cond [(null? xs) #f]
        [(equal? name (mcar (car xs))) (car xs)]
        [else (assoc-m name (cdr xs))]))

(define (get obj field)
  (let ([ptr (assoc-m field (object-vars obj))])
    (if (false? ptr)
        (error "access non exsiting field:" field)
        (mcdr ptr))))

(define (set obj field new-val)
  (let ([ptr (assoc-m field (object-vars obj))])
    (if (false? ptr)
        (error "set non exsiting field:" field)
        (set-mcdr! ptr new-val))))

(define (send obj msg . args)
  (let ([ptr (assoc msg (object-methods obj))])
    (if (false? ptr)
        (error "method not found:" msg)
        ((cdr ptr) obj args))))

;; make one point object
(define p1
  (object (list (mcons 'x 0)
                (mcons 'y 0))
          (list (cons 'get-x (lambda (self args) (get self 'x)))
                (cons 'get-y (lambda (self args) (get self 'y)))
                (cons 'set-x (lambda (self args) (set self 'x (car args))))
                (cons 'set-y (lambda (self args) (set self 'y (car args))))
                (cons 'dist-to-origin
                      (lambda (self args)
                        (let ([x (send self 'get-x args)]
                              [y (send self 'get-y args)])
                          (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))))))))

In the above code, every object is a structure with two fields, vars is to use to store the variables of a object and methods is used to store methods of the object. The vars is a list of mutable cons cells since we need to update the value of object, and methods is a list of cons cell, because objects’ functions will not change overtime.

Then we define helper function assoc-m which when gived a field name, will return the mutable cons cell in the list. The get and set functions are just like get and set method in a OO languages, herein they are just helper function for every objects.

Finally we can define a send function which send the object a message. We predefined an object p1 for test purpose. We can use p1 like as follows

> (send p1 'set-x 3)
> (send p1 'set-y 4)
> (send p1 'get-x)
> (send p1 'dist-to-origin)

Transform to more OO like style using closure and dispatch

The above code actually isn’t like an OO languages because the weird send syntax, and normal OO language usually use obj.method style of code to do message call. We can transform the above code to “more OO like” using closure and dispatch.

For readers who are not familiar with closure, I will explain a lit bit about closure here. In short, closure is just a pair which store a) the function definition and b) the substitution environment when the function is defined. It is used to implement lexical scope, which maybe is one of the most important inventions in programming languages.

With lexical scope, we can verify the correctness of program by reading the program instead of debuging it and see the variable after each step. For a detailed discussion of closure, I recommend to read the book Let over lambda.

We can change the p1 definition to the following style.

(define ptx
  (let ([obj (object
              (list (mcons 'x 0)
                    (mcons 'y 0))
              (list (cons 'get-x (lambda (self args) (get self 'x)))
                    (cons 'get-y (lambda (self args) (get self 'y)))
                    (cons 'set-x (lambda (self args) (set self 'x (car args))))
                    (cons 'set-y (lambda (self args) (set self 'y (car args))))
                    (cons 'dist-to-origin
                          (lambda (self args)
                            (let ([x (send self 'get-x args)]
                                  [y (send self 'get-y args)])
                              (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))))))))])
    (lambda (method . args)
      (cond [(equal? method 'get-x) (send obj 'get-x args)]
            [(equal? method 'get-y) (send obj 'get-y args)]
            [(equal? method 'set-x) (send obj 'set-x args)]
            [(equal? method 'set-y) (send obj 'set-y args)]
            [(equal? method 'dist-to-origin) (send obj 'dist-to-origin args)]
            [else (error "undefined method for object ~a" method)]))))

We can see from the above code, now the object is stored in a let binding, and we make ptx a function and dispatch different methods to the proper send operation on the obj object.

Then we can now call the object using the following syntax.

> (ptx 'get-x)
> (ptx 'set-x 3)
> (ptx 'set-y 4)
> (ptx 'get-x)
> (ptx 'dist-to-origin)

Add initialization function

The above code still have one serious problems. If I want to produce many objects, we should copy and paste the body of ptx many times. It is totally a disaster, since we are lazy and believe the DRY(don’t repeat yourself) principle.

We can abstract the creation of object as something like initialize method in ruby or __init__ in python. The following are the code.

(define (new-point [x 0] [y 0])
  (let ([obj (object
              (list (mcons 'x x)
                    (mcons 'y y))
              (list (cons 'get-x (lambda (self args) (get self 'x)))
                    (cons 'get-y (lambda (self args) (get self 'y)))
                    (cons 'set-x (lambda (self args) (set self 'x (car args))))
                    (cons 'set-y (lambda (self args) (set self 'y (car args))))
                    (cons 'dist-to-origin
                          (lambda (self args)
                            (let ([x (send self 'get-x args)]
                                  [y (send self 'get-y args)])
                              (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))))))))])
    (lambda (method . args)
      (cond [(equal? method 'get-x) (send obj 'get-x args)]
            [(equal? method 'get-y) (send obj 'get-y args)]
            [(equal? method 'set-x) (send obj 'set-x args)]
            [(equal? method 'set-y) (send obj 'set-y args)]
            [(equal? method 'dist-to-origin) (send obj 'dist-to-origin args)]
            [else (error "undefined method for object:" method)]))))

Now we can use new-point to create as many as points as I like. It is the same as new objects in Ruby or Python.

> (define p1 (new-point 3 4))
> (define p2 (new-point 5 12))
> (p1 'get-x)
> (p2 'get-x)
> (p1 'dist-to-origin)
> (p2 'dist-to-origin)

A simple attempt to implement inheritance

We still lack one important concept in object-oriented programming: inheritance. A simple approach to handle this is just to add another filed in the object structure, which indicate the inheritance relation of the current object. If the object does not inherit from anything, just give it a default value false.

We need to modify the send function accordingly, since now if we can not find the proper method to execute, it may be contained in the ancestors’ objects, we need to find them on the chains to the root. The changed code is here.

(struct object (vars methods father))

(define (send obj msg args)
  (let ([ptr (assoc msg (object-methods obj))])
    (if ptr
        ((cdr ptr) obj args)
        (apply (object-father obj) msg args))))

(define (new-point [x 0] [y 0])
  (let ([obj (object
              (list (mcons 'x x)
                    (mcons 'y y))
              (list (cons 'get-x (lambda (self args) (get self 'x)))
                    (cons 'get-y (lambda (self args) (get self 'y)))
                    (cons 'set-x (lambda (self args) (set self 'x (car args))))
                    (cons 'set-y (lambda (self args) (set self 'y (car args))))
                    (cons 'dist-to-origin
                          (lambda (self args)
                            (let ([x (send self 'get-x args)]
                                  [y (send self 'get-y args)])
                              (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y)))))))
    (lambda (method . args)
      (cond [(equal? method 'get-x) (send obj 'get-x args)]
            [(equal? method 'get-y) (send obj 'get-y args)]
            [(equal? method 'set-x) (send obj 'set-x args)]
            [(equal? method 'set-y) (send obj 'set-y args)]
            [(equal? method 'dist-to-origin) (send obj 'dist-to-origin args)]
            [else (error "undefined method for object" method)]))))

(define (new-point-3d [x 0] [y 0] [z 0])
  (let ([obj (object
              (list (mcons 'z z))
              (list (cons 'get-z (lambda (self args) (get self 'z)))
                    (cons 'set-z (lambda (self args) (set self 'z (car args))))
                    (cons 'dist-to-origin
                          (lambda (self args)
                            (let ([x (send self 'get-x args)]
                                  [y (send self 'get-y args)]
                                  [z (send self 'get-z args)])
                              (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y) (* z z)))))))
              ;; father object of this object
              (new-point x y))])
    (lambda (method . args)
      (cond [(equal? method 'get-x) (send obj 'get-x args)]
            [(equal? method 'get-y) (send obj 'get-y args)]
            [(equal? method 'get-z) (send obj 'get-z args)]
            [(equal? method 'set-x) (send obj 'set-x args)]
            [(equal? method 'set-y) (send obj 'set-y args)]
            [(equal? method 'set-z) (send obj 'set-z args)]
            [(equal? method 'dist-to-origin) (send obj 'dist-to-origin args)]
            [else (error "unknow method call" method)]))))

Now we can create two init function, one for point and another for point-3d. The point-3d inherit from the point class. We can see it from the code. And the dist-to-origin procedure is something like overwritten method in OO languages.

> (define p3d (new-point-3d 2 2 2))
> (p3d 'get-x)
> (p3d 'get-y)
> (p3d 'dist-to-origin)
> (sqrt (+ 4 4 4))

Now the only thing we lack is some syntax sugar to change the domain specific OO language to a more familiar OO style like(Ruby code):

# encocing: utf-8

class Point

  def initialize(x, y)
    @x = x
    @y = y

  def get_x

  def get_y

  def set_x(x)
    @x = x

  def set_y(y)
    @y = y

  def dist_to_origin
    Math.sqrt(@x * @x + @y * @y)

ptx =, 4)
puts ptx.dist_to_origin

But it is not so important since they’re just syntax differences on the surface.


With the above step by step transformation, we can draw the conclusion that with the power of higher-order function and closure, we can easily implement core concepts of OO in functional programming languages with support for mutable state. OO is just a natural extension of functional programming with higher-order function and explicit states. The essential code is less than 50 lines(excluding the new init function). You can find the complete code with comments from repository m00nlight/oo-in-fp.


m00nlight 27 November 2015
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